What are Two Combination Papers on GATE Exam ?

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GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is a national-level examination in India that tests the aptitude of engineering graduates in various fields. The exam is conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) on a rotational basis. GATE is considered a gateway to postgraduate education and research in engineering and related fields.

One of the important components of the GATE exam is the Primary Papers and their allowed Secondary papers. The Primary Papers refer to the specific engineering branch in which the candidate has completed their graduation. The Secondary papers, on the other hand, are related engineering branches that the candidate can choose as their secondary paper.

For example, if a candidate has completed their graduation in Electrical Engineering, then Electrical Engineering is their Primary Paper. They can then choose any one of the following Secondary papers:

  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Control and Instrumentation Engineering
  • Power Electronics and Drives
  • Power Systems Engineering

The Secondary paper option allows candidates to expand their horizons and explore other engineering branches related to their primary branch. However, it is important to note that the weightage of the primary paper is always higher than that of the second paper in the GATE exam.

It is important for candidates to carefully select their secondary papers based on their strengths and interests. The GATE score is crucial in determining the eligibility of candidates for various postgraduate programs, scholarships, and job opportunities.

In conclusion, the Primary Papers and their allowed Secondary papers in the GATE exam provide candidates with an opportunity to showcase their interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Candidates must make informed decisions while selecting their secondary paper and prepare effectively for the exam to achieve their desired goals.

What are Two Combination Papers on GATE Exam?

Primary Paper Papers Allowed as Secondary 

Agricultural Engineering

Environmental Science and Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Life Sciences

Architecture and Planning

Civil Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Engineering Sciences


Biomedical Engineering, Life Sciences

Biomedical Engineering

Biotechnology, Life Sciences Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering

Computer Science and Information Technology

Electronics and Communication Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Maths, Statistics


Life Sciences

Civil Engineering

Aerospace Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Environmental Science and Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Petroleum Engineering, Engineering Sciences

Electrical Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering

Environmental Science and Engineering

Agricultural Engineering , Civil Engineering, Geomatics Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Instrumentation Engineering, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Geomatics Engineering

Ecology and Evolution

Life Sciences

Geology and Geophysics

Geomatics Engineering, Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Physics

Instrumentation Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics


Computer Science and Information Technology, Geomatics Engineering, Physics, Statistics

Petroleum Engineering

Chemical Engineering, Geology and Geophysics, Engineering Sciences


Electronics and Communications Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Geology and Geophysics, Instrumentation Engineering, Mathematics, Metallurgical Engineering, Statistics, Engineering Sciences

Production and Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Engineering Sciences

Mechanical Engineering

Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, Engineering Sciences

Mining Engineering

Geomatics Engineering, Geology and Geophysics, Engineering Sciences

Metallurgical Engineering

Physics, Engineering Sciences

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Sciences


Mathematics, Physics

Textile Engineering and Fibre Science

Engineering Sciences

Engineering Science

Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, Textile Engineering and Fibre Science, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Humanities and Social Science


Life Sciences

Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Ecology and Evolution