Interactive Classroom Coaching

More than 600 hours of GATE and 1000 hours of ESE lectures by eclectic faculty team from IITs/IISc.

Focused Study Materials

Comprehensive and updated study material by the subject experts tailored to meet the exam needs.

Simulated Reality

Exhaustive Two-level Online Test Series of 60 Plus tests that perfectly simulates the GATE environment and analytics that help evaluate your performance.

Regular Assessment

Regular tests for self-assessment and enhancement and Interview Guidance Program for Engineering Services Examination aspirants.


  1. More than 600 hours of GATE and 1000 hours of ESE lectures by eclectic faculty team from IITs/IISc.
  2. Comprehensive and updated study material by the subject experts tailored to meet the exam needs.
  3. Exhaustive Two-level Online Test Series of 60 Plus tests that perfectly simulates the GATE environment and analytics that help evaluate your performance.
  4. Regular tests for self-assessment and enhancement and Interview Guidance Program for Engineering Services Examination aspirants.

Article Title

Vivamus et risus in purus consequat interdum. Nam hendrerit euismod quam imperdiet maximus. Duis id eros eu lectus tempor interdum. Duis nec commodo enim. Proin lobortis sapien vitae eleifend tincidunt.

Article Title

Vivamus et risus in purus consequat interdum. Nam hendrerit euismod quam imperdiet maximus. Duis id eros eu lectus tempor interdum. Duis nec commodo enim. Proin lobortis sapien vitae eleifend tincidunt.

Article Title

Vivamus et risus in purus consequat interdum. Nam hendrerit euismod quam imperdiet maximus. Duis id eros eu lectus tempor interdum. Duis nec commodo enim. Proin lobortis sapien vitae eleifend tincidunt.